Japanese Sword , Katana , Sword Fitting New

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Wakizashi:Ozaki Gen-emon Suketaka Kansei 3 Nen 2 Gatsu Hi(February, 1791) (NTHK estimation paper) (Consignment Sale)

Ordering number:AS24301

Wakizashi: Shirasaya (NTHK estimation paper) (Consignment Sale)

Signature: Ozaki Gen-emon Suketaka
Kansei 3 Nen 2 Gatsu Hi(February, 1791)

Sayagaki: "Ozaki Gengo-emon Suketaka, dated Kansei 3, excellently forged with magnificent ō-choji midare in a brilliant style. Blade length: 1 shaku 7 sun 5 bu (53.1 cm). Polished by Tanabe under the name of Kousen at the end of February in the year Koushin (2004)."

Shinshinto: Jyo Saku: Settsu
We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijyo Saku, Jyojyo Saku, Jyo Saku, and Regular Saku.
This piece is ranked as Jyojyo Saku for works by Ozaki Gen-emon Suketaka.
Blade Length: 53.1 cm (20.91 in)
Curvature: 1.06 cm (0.42 in)
Mekugi Hole: 1
Width at Base: 3.08 cm (1.21 in)
Width at Tip: 2.4 cm (0.94 in)
Thickness: 0.65 cm (0.26 in)
Sword Weight: 545 grams
Era: Edo period, Kansei 3 (1791)
Shape: The blade has a wide body and thick construction with a prominent curvature, creating an elegant shape with a well-proportioned kissaki.
Jigane: The kitae is tight ko-itame with a fine texture.
Hamon: The temper line is ō-choji midare with a deep nioiguchi, characterized by large gunome patterns.

Features: The blade starts with a straight temper near the machi, transitioning to a deep nioiguchi with large gunome, making it a characteristic work of the Shinshinto period. Ozaki Gen-emon Suketaka specialized in ō-choji midare, with no known works of suguha or chōji midare. He consistently produced works following the style of Sukehira's ō-choji midare. This piece is documented in the January 2005 issue of "Tōken to Rekishi" (No. 663, p. 13), with the saya inscription by Tanabe-sensei.
Special preservation status is guaranteed upon request.

Aoi Art’s Comment: Ozaki Gen-emon Suketaka is renowned as one of the finest Shinshinto swordsmiths for his skillful execution of ō-choji midare. He dedicated his craft to perfecting this style. This robust piece is highly recommended. Originating from Banshu, he received the title Nagato no Kami on December 19, Kansei 10 (1798), and passed away at age 53 in Bunka 2 (1805). Influenced by the high praise of Sukehira by the contemporary critic Kamata Gyoyo, many swordsmiths of the time, including Mizunoe Masahide, Nagasone Toshizane, and Akama Tsunetoki, were inspired to create ō-choji midare. Among them, Ozaki Gen-emon Suketaka was considered the most outstanding.

NTHK estimation paper
Aoi Art Estimation Paper
Whole Oshigata

Auction Starting Price:900,000 JPY-.

The item was sold at the auction