Japanese Sword , Katana , Sword Fitting New

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Aoi Art 1-54-6 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 151-0053 Japan



Wakizashi:Mumei (attributed to Soshu Masahiro) (NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Token)

Ordering number:24365

Wakizashi: Shirasaya (NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Token)

Signature: Mumei (attributed to Soshu Masahiro)

Saya-gaki: Soshu Masahiro Saku Kore, around Eisho era

We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijyo Saku, Jyojyo Saku, Jyo Saku and Regular Saku.
This sword is ranked as Jyojyo Saku for works attributed to Soshu Masahiro.
Habaki: Gold-plated single.
Blade Length: 1 shaku 2 sun 6 bu 5 rin (38.33 cm / 15.09 in).
Curvature: 1 bu 3 rin (0.91 cm / 0.36 in).
Mekugi Hole: 2.
Width at Base: 2.83 cm (1.11 in).
Thickness: 0.68 cm (0.27 in).
Sword Weight: 325 g (11.46 oz).
Era: Around Oei period in the Muromachi era.
Shape: Wide blade with deep curvature, with a Bo-hi and Bonji engraving on the front and double grooves on the back.
Jigane: Well-forged Itame-hada, clearly visible grain.
Hamon: Nie-deki, deep nioiguchi, irregular midare, ending in a small round turn-back with a slightly longer return.

Features: A piece from the Oei period of the Muromachi era, reflecting the Soshu school's characteristic visible grain.

Aoi Art’s Comment: This Soshu Masahiro hira-zukuri wakizashi, almost reaching the Nanbokucho period, exudes a majestic feel with its visible grain and deep nioiguchi irregular midare hamon. The sword, examined by the Sword Museum, dates around 1455 during the Kosho era and is a superb piece without any flaws. Soshu Masahiro's works with visible grain are highly popular and rarely available. Don't miss this opportunity to acquire it.

NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Token
Aoi Art estimation paper
Whole Oshigata

Price:550,000 JPY

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