Japanese Sword , Katana , Sword Fitting New

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Aoi Art 1-54-6 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 151-0053 Japan



Wakizashi:Bishu Osafune Morimitsu Ouei 11 Nen 12 Gatsu Hi (December1403)(Tokubetsu Hozon Token)

Ordering number:24252

Wakizashi in Shirasaya with Koshirae (Tokubetsu Hozon Token)

Signature: Bishu Osafune Morimitsu
Ouei 11 Nen 12 Gatsu Hi (December1403)

Chu-Koto: O-Wazamono: Jyo Saku: Bizen
We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijyo Saku, Jyojyo Saku, Jyo Saku, and Regular Saku.
This work is ranked as Jyo Saku for Bishu Osafune Morimitsu.
Habaki: Gold-plated, single-layered habaki.
Blade Length: 53.5 cm (21.06 in)
Curvature: 1.5 cm (0.59 in)
Mekugi Hole: 2
Width at Base: 2.66 cm (1.05 in)
Width at Tip: 1.53 cm (0.60 in)
Thickness of rim: 0.56 cm (0.22 in)
Sword Weight: 365 grams
Era: Muromachi period, around the 11th year of Oei (1404)
Shape: This is a one-handed sword with a standard width and thickness, a deep curvature, and bo-hi (grooves) carved on both sides. The sword has a slightly extended tip and a well-balanced shape.
Jigane: The ko-itame grain is finely forged and well refined, with a beautiful bo-utsuri (shadow-like effect).
Hamon: The hamon is nioi-deki, featuring a choji midare pattern with small ashi and ha that are active. The boshi is midare-komi, ending sharply with a pointed return, resembling the wick of a candle. Kinsuji is visible above the hamon on both sides.

Features: Morimitsu and Yasumitsu were early Muromachi period swordsmiths known for their superior jigane, which is considered among the finest.

Tsuba: Made of shakudo with the Aoi family crest in gold, Hamidashi tsuba design.
Fuchi: Shakudo with the Aoi family crest in gold.
Kashira: Made of horn.
Saya: Black lacquered finish.
Kozuka: Shakudo with a design of a night sky, featuring a crescent moon and torii gate.
Kogai: Shakudo with the Aoi family crest in gold.
Menuki: Shakudo with the Aoi family crest in gold.

Aoi Art’s Comment: Bishu Osafune Morimitsu, also known as Shuri no Suke, was the son of Tomomitsu. The beauty of the jigane, bo-utsuri, and the choji midare hamon, which includes gunome, make this one of the finest works. The koshirae, adorned with the Aoi family crest, further enhances the value of this one-handed sword, making it highly recommended.

NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Token
Aoi Art estimation paper
Whole Oshigata

Price:1,450,000 JPY
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