Ordering numbere:24077
Katana in Shirasaya with a box(NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Token) (Living National Treasure)
Signature: Sanryu Ryozanshi Masamine Saku Kore.
Shoryuken O Okabe Hideo Shi Ju.
Showa 54th(1979)
昇竜剣応岡部英男氏需 昭和己未年八月廿日
At our company, swords are categorized into four ranks based on the craftsmanship of the swordsmith: Saijyo Saku (Superior Work), Jyojyo Saku (Excellent Work), Jyo Saku (Good Work), and Regular Saku. which assesses the quality of swordsmiths' works.
This piece is classified as Jyo Saku (Good Work) for works by Masamine.
Habaki:Gold-plated double-layered.
Blade Length:75.4 cm (29.69 in).
Curvature:3.0 cm (1.18 in).
Mekugi Hole:1.
Width at Base (Motohaba):3.5 cm (1.38 in).
Width at Tip (Sakihaba):2.56 cm (1.01 in).
Thickness of Rim (Kasane):0.8 cm (0.31 in).
Sword Weight:935 grams (2.06 lbs).
Shape:The blade is broad, with a thick rim.
Both sides feature a bo-hi (groove), and the curvature is deep with an extended kissaki (tip).
Jigane (Steel):The jigane is finely forged and of excellent quality.
Hamon (Blade Pattern):Nie-based construction with a deep nioiguchi (bright line).It exhibits a clear and bright gunome-midare (undulating pattern) with an irregular boshi (tip pattern).
Sumitani Masamine, whose real name was Sumitani Yoichiro, graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Ritsumeikan University in 1941.
He became a disciple of the swordsmith Sakurai Masayuki.
He established the Japanese Sword Forging Workshop, "Sanryutei," in Matsuto City, where he created many works.
In the 1960s, he won the "Masamune Award," the highest honor for newly forged swords, three times.
On April 20, 1981, he was designated a "Living National Treasure."
In the same year, he was recognized as a holder of the Important Intangible Cultural Property of "Japanese Sword."
Masamine also conducted research on steel and produced his own materials, crafting distinctive choji-midare patterns known as "Sumitani Choji."
His works include blades created for the Imperial Household, one of which was presented to the Emperor as a guardian sword.
Masamine passed away on December 12, 1998, at the age of 77.
This piece was crafted during the height of Masamine’s career when he was winning consecutive awards.
The period just before being designated a Living National Treasure is one of intense focus, often producing the best works.
The style resembles blades from the Kamakura period, with a polish of the highest craftsmanship bringing out the refined jigane and radiant hamon.
With proper care, this sword is expected to retain its brilliance and stand out as a masterpiece even 1,000 years from now.
This is a robust and highly recommended piece.
In a Box
NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Token.
Aoi Art Estimation Paper.
Whole Oshigata.
商談中 HOLD
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