Japanese Sword , Katana , Sword Fitting New

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Aoi Art 1-54-6 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 151-0053 Japan



Katana: Mumei (Judged as Ko-Bizen)(57th NBTHK Juyo Token)

Ordering Number:24061

Katana in Shirasaya (57th NBTHK Juyo Token)
Signature: Mumei (Unsigned, Judged as Ko-Bizen 古備前)

We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijyo Saku, Jyojyo Saku, Jyo Saku, and Regular Saku.
This sword is ranked as Saijyo Saku among Mumei (Ko-Bizen).

Habaki: Gold Foil Double Layer
Blade Length: 60.6cm (23.9in)
Curvature: 2.1cm (0.8in)
Mekugi Holes: 4
Width at Base: 3.0cm (1.2in)
Width at Tip: 2.0cm (0.8in)
Thickness: 0.6cm (0.2in)
Sword Weight: 590 g
Era: the late Heian period to the end of Kamakura period
Shape: This peice is wide and slightly thick O-suriage Mumei blade, and is havily warped from the base, which is typical of Tachi made in the late Heian period.
Jigane: Fine ko-itame mixed with ko-mokume, with chikei. Utsuri appears.
Hamon: Suguha with Notare, Ko-Choji and Ko-Gunome mixed in.

Features: Ko-Bizen are swords made in Bizen from the late Heian period to the eraly Kamakura period. This piece is in good condition and very beautiful despite being nearly 1,000 years old. We recommend this masterpiece.

57th NBTHK Juyo Paper
Aoi Art estimation paper
Whole Oshigata

Price:5,500,000 JPY-.

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