Ordering Number: 24291
Katana in Shirasaya (NBTHK Hozon Token)
Signature: Mumei (attributed to Omi Sukenao, 近江助直)
Shinto: Ryo Wazamono: Jyojyo Saku: Settsu
We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijyo Saku, Jyojyo Saku, Jyo Saku and Regular Saku.
This sword is ranked as Jyojyo Saku for a Mumei (Omi no Kami Sukenao) work.
Habaki:gold-foiled habaki
Blade Length: 67.5cm (26.6in)
Curvature: 1.2cm (0.5in)
Mekugi Hole: 2
Width at Base: 2.7cm (1.1in)
Width at Tip: 1.8cm (0.7in)
Thickness of rim: 0.6cm (0.2in)
Sword Weight: 575 g
Era: the early Edo period around Enpo era(1673-1681)
Shape: Regular sized Katana with little long kissaki.
Jigane: fine Ko-itame hada
Hamon: Niedeki gunome midare with deep nioikuchi. Boshi is long and Yaki in shinogi-ji.
Features: Oumi Sukenao was born in 1639 and leaned sword-making from Sukehiro the 2nd generation. His technique is no less than Sukehiro, and he also made sword on Sukehiro's behalf.
The Hamon of this sword is very nice.
NBTHK Hozon Paper
Aoi Art estimation paper
Whole Oshigata