Japanese Sword , Katana , Sword Fitting New

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Aoi Art 1-54-6 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 151-0053 Japan



Katana: Ho-ki Kami Taira Ason Masayuki

Ordering number: 22187
Katana in Shirasaya with Koshirae(NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Token)
Signature :Ho-ki Kami Taira Ason Masayuki
Kansei 6 Nen Tora 2 Gatsu

The sword Hoki Kami Taira Ason Masayuki satsuma province made this sword at Kansei 6Nen2Gatua (1795)February.

Sayagaki(translation): Hoki Kami Taira Ason Masayuki. It has a production date of Kansei 6. The Length: 2 Shaku 2 Sun 3 Bu. written on a lucky day in Shiwasu, Showa Hinoto Tori(1957) by Dr. Kanzan.

Shinshinto: Jyo-jyo saku: Satsuma
(We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijyo saku, Jyojyo Saku Jyo saku and regular saku)
This sword belongs to Jyo Jyo saku ranking.
habaki: Gold foiled single habaki.
The blade was polished.
Blade length : 67.6cm or 26.61inches.
Sori :1.82 cm or 0.71inches.
Mekugi : 1
Width at the hamachi : 3.22 cm or 1.26inches.
Width at the Kissaki : 2.15cm or 0.84inches.
Kasane : 0.67 cm or 0.26inches.
The weight of the sword: 766 grams
Era : In February, Kansei 6. The Edo period.
Shape: The blade is broad and thick with deep Sori and slightly longer Kissaki. Well-shaped work.
Jigane: Koitamehada is black and well-grained and becomes fine. Elaborate jigane.
Hamon: Niedeki, Gunomemidare with deep Nioikuchi. The blade is bright with active Sunagashi and Kinsuji. Boshi is complex Hakikake.

Special feature: Hoki Kami Taira Ason Masayuki is one of the 2 biggest swordsmiths in Kyushu, with Motohira. They encouraged each other and made masterpieces. This work has deep Sori and Suriage. It looks like Samonji school from the Kamakura period to the Nambokucho period.

Tsuba: Kenjo Tsuba. Shakudo Tsuba, whose rim is covered with gold.
Fuchikashira: Shakudo-Nanako plate, bobbin is engraved with gold color.
Saya: Wrinkle pattern with black Urushi painting.
Menuki: On Shakudo plate, tree and bird are engraved.

From Aoi Art: Masayuki was a pupil of Masachika. His surname is Ijichi, and his first name was Masayoshi(the 3rd) and changed his name as Masayuki at the same time when he had succeeded to Hoki Kami in Kansei 1. His productions extend to Bunka 14, and he passed away in Bunsei 12, at the age of 87. He has reputations as an educator of swordsmiths. His works are broad with O-Kissaki, Ji-Itame, Gunome-Hamon with rough deep Nie, and mostly have blade-engraving. This work was made when he was 63 years old. Most of Satsuma swords are Koto, so Motohira and Masayuki made their own way to prevent making fakes. This work is really well-made with great Koshirae and we truly recommend this to you.

NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon
Aoi Art estimation paper
whole Oshigata by Ayaka Tsuruta

Price: 2,200,000 JPY-.

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