Japanese Sword , Katana , Sword Fitting New

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Aoi Art 1-54-6 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 151-0053 Japan



Katana: Hizen Ju Harima Daijo Fujiwara Tadakuni(NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Token)

Ordering number:AS24202

Katana: Shirasaya with Koshirae (NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Token)

Signature: Hizen Ju Harima Daijo Fujiwara Tadakuni

Shinto: Jyo Saku: Wazamono: Hizen
We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijyo Saku, Jyojyo Saku, Jyo Saku and Regular Saku.
This work is ranked as Jyojyo Saku for the works of Hizen Ju Harima Daijo Fujiwara Tadakuni.
Habaki: Gold, double.
Blade Length: 70.0 cm (27.56 in)
Curvature: 1.0 cm (0.39 in)
Mekugi Hole: 2
Width at Base: 3.14 cm (1.24 in)
Width at Tip: 2.08 cm (0.82 in)
Thickness: 0.71 cm (0.28 in)
Sword Weight: 670 grams
Era: Edo period, around the Keian era
Shape: Wide blade with shallow curvature, extended kissaki, and bo-hi carved on both sides.
Jigane: Well-forged ko-itame with a beautiful texture.
Hamon: Nie-deki gunome-midare with active ashi, and a ko-maru boshi with a long return.

Features: Hizen Ju Harima Daijo Fujiwara Tadakuni was the son of Hizen Kuni Yoshiie, initially taking the name Hashimoto. His works are seen from the Kan'ei to Kanbun eras. His style is very similar to that of Hizen Kuni Kawachi Daijo Masahiro and Kawachi no Kami Masahiro. The workmanship evokes the scene of lightning flashing through cumulonimbus clouds against the blue sky.

Tsuba: Shakudo with gold stone texture around the edge.
Fuchikashira: High-relief carvings of people and plants with gold inlays.
Saya: Scattered aogai (blue shell) design.
Menuki: High-relief carvings of warriors with gold inlays.

Aoi Art’s Comment: We are pleased to present this excellent koshirae and the splendid sword by Hizen Ju Harima Daijo Fujiwara Tadakuni.

NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Token
Aoi Art estimation paper
Whole Oshigata

Auction Starting Price:1,650,000JPY

The item was sold at the auction