Ordering numebr:AS23145
Jumonji Yari: In Shirasaya (NBTHK Hozon Token)
Signature: Heianjo Ju Ishido Suketoshi.
At our company, swords are categorized into four ranks based on the craftsmanship of the swordsmith: Saijyo Saku (Superior Work), Jyojyo Saku (Excellent Work), Jyo Saku (Good Work), and Regular Saku.
This piece is classified as Jyojyo Saku (Excellent Work) for works by Heianjo Ju Ishido Suketoshi.
Blade Length: 19.8 cm (7.8 in).
Curvature: 0.0 cm (0.0 in).
Mekugi Holes: 1.
Width at Base (Motohaba): 2.64 cm (1.04 in).
Thickness (Kasane): 0.95 cm (0.37 in).
Sword Weight: 295 g (0.65 lbs).
Whole Shirasaya length: about 66cm(25.98 in)
Era: Late Edo Period.
Shape: A well-proportioned Jumonji Yari.
Jigane: Koitame-hada, well-forged with fine ji-nie, resulting in a beautiful grain.
Hamon: A nie-deki pattern featuring a varied and graceful notare-ba.
Features:Heianjo Ju Ishido Suketoshi was an active swordsmith during the Enpo era (1673–1681). He also worked in Kyoto, producing a wide range of works, including yari. Although Jumonji Yari like this piece were among his creations, they were less in demand, which is unfortunate. The hardships faced by swordsmiths during this period are evident.
Aoi Art’s Comment:The crafting of a Jumonji Yari is extremely difficult, and few swordsmiths undertook this challenge. As such, pieces like this are highly valuable. The cost of polishing such a blade is higher than usual, and we encourage careful preservation.
NBTHK Hozon Token
Aoi Art Estimation Paper
Whole Oshigata
Auction Starting Price:380,000JPY