Japanese Sword , Katana , Sword Fitting New

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Aoi Art 1-54-6 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 151-0053 Japan



Katana:Mumei (Uda Kunihisa)(NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Token)

Ordering number:AS24649

Katana in Shirasaya with Koshirae(NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Token)

Signature : Mumei (Uda Kunihisa)

(We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijyo saku, Jyo-jyo saku, Jyo saku, and regular
This sword belongs to Jyo Jyo saku ranking.
The blade was polished.
Habaki: Silver foiled single habaki.
Blade length: 68.8cm or 27.0inches.
Sori:1.7cm or 0.66inches.
Width at the hamachi:2.98cm or 1.17inches.
Width at the Kissaki:1.98cm or 0.77inches.
Kasane:0.68cm or 0.26inches.
The weight of the sword:600grams.
Era: The Bunan era, the Muromachi period, around 1444(Chu Koto)
Shape: Kissaki is long, Sori is adequate, Nakago has deeper Sori, Bohi on the both
Jigane: Very fine Jigane with Utsuri. Beautiful.
Hamon: Nioideki Suguha, partially uneven, Koashi works well. Boshi is Notare and turns
back in a small circle.

Special Feature: It is judged as Kunihisa by NBTHK but it is rather doubtful
whether he could make this beautiful Jihada. Most of his works are
made of strong Itame and Masame, while this work has beautiful
Jigane. We wonder how they could judge this item as Uda Kunihisa. It has
NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon paper, but it could pass shinsa as made by
another sword smith.

Saya: Black Roiro Saya
Fuchikashira: Shakudo Nanako plate. Plants and flying bird are engraved with gold color.
Menuki: Crabs and plants are engraved with gold color.
Kojiri: On Shakudo plate, flowers are engraved.
Kurigata: Black-colored. Cherry blossoms are engraved with gold color.

From Aoi Art: Jigane is really nice: Utsuri appears well, Notare mixes into
Suguhadeki, Koashi comes in, with O-Kissaki Boshi. NBTHK has judged this as Uda Kunihisa.

NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Token
Aoi Art estimation paper: whole Oshigata.

Auction Starting Price:1,000,000JPY

The item was sold at the auction