Previous answer is
Special feature:Kunihiro was a samurai who served the Ito family, who was the former
owner of Obi in Hyuga, Kyushu. It is said that he settled in Ichijo Horikawa, Kyoto after
the 4th year of Keicho, raised many excellent disciples, and died in 19th year of Keicho.
There are two making styles of Kunihiro, Sue Sosyu and Suezeki style can be seen
before settling in Kyoto, and after settling in Kyoto he made Sosyu high ranking sword.
Appraisal Quiz #662 (October 16th, 2021)
Who made this sword do you think ?
Blade length : 66.6 cm or 26.22 inches.
Sori :1.4cm or 0.55 inches.
Mekugi : 1
Width at the hamachi : 3.02cm or 1.18 inches.
Width at the Kissaki : 2.3 cm or 0.90 inches.
Kasane :0.695 cm or 0.27 inches.
Shape : The blade is wide and thick with deep sori and longer kissaki nice looking shape.
Jigane :Itame had well grained with jinie attach and chikei work.
Hamon :Nie deck gunome midair with active cyoji midare mixed and inside of the Hamon, sunagashi, long kinsuji scatter.
Boshi is midarekomi and togari hamon.
There are some tobiyaki hamon on the shindig ji.
Answer will be posted at next Appraisal Quiz.
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